Buy Our Metals

Rely on PADNOS for metals that deliver a higher level of purity, consistency and quality.
PADNOS utilizes handheld spectrometers and other advanced testing technology to verify material chemistry for ferrous metal and nonferrous metal products. Our management system has been assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 standard for the reprocessing and distribution of scrap metal. PADNOS provides electronically accessible libraries of customer specifications for all material grades.
Looking to purchase ferrous or nonferrous metals? While the list below is extensive of commodities available, through our list of partners, we can meet any of your ferrous or nonferrous needs.

Ferrous Metals — Foundry
Prime Grades
- 2’ low residual busheling
- 6” and under, low residual busheling
- High manganese busheling
- High manganese shredded
- Low residual shredded
Secondary Grades
- #2 shredded
- 2’ alloy free
- 2’ foundry steel
- 2’ plate and structural
- 2’ rail and otm
- 2’ tin can bundles
Foundry Specialty Items
- Copper chops
- Cover steel
- Tooling services
Cast Iron Grades
- 2’ machinery cast
- Clean auto cast
- Clean crushed auto cast
- Cast iron borings
- Cast iron briquettes
- Mixed cast

Ferrous Metals — Mill
Prime Grades
- #1 mill shredded
- Dealer bundles
- Coolant scrap
- Industrial bundles
- Mill busheling
Secondary Grades
- #2 shredded
- Tin can bundles
- Cut steel/heavy melt
- Machine cast
- Mill grade hot briquettes
- Plate and structural
- Rail scrap
- Turnings
Specialty Grades
- Alloy turnings
- Alloy plate
- Hot steel briquettes
- Manganese
- Specialty alloy grades

Nonferrous Metals
Copper Grades
- Bare bright
- #1 copper
- #2 copper
- Copper bricks
- Copper chops
- Insulated wire
- Recovery/refinery grades
Brass Grades
- Yellow, semi, and red brasses
- Brass turnings and borings
- Engineered grades (al, mg, etc.)
- Industrial brasses (70/30, 90/10 etc.)
- Phos bronze
- Recovery/refinery grades
- Auto radiators
Stainless and Ni Alloys
- 300 series solids and turnings
- 400 series solids and turnings
- High temp alloys
- Stainless punchings
- Tool steels and carbide
- Zurik
Aluminum Grades
- Prime aluminum busheling and bales (1100, 3000 & 5000 series)
- Extrusion grade bales (new 6063, old, painted, 10/10)
- Secondary bales (painted siding, old sheet (Taint/Tabor), MLC, UBC and MRA)
- Cast aluminum – old cast, new cast, painted cast, cast aluminum wheels, chrome wheels
- Aluminum dross/skim
- Zorba
- Lead (batteries, lead scrap)
- Litho film
- Magnesium (solids)
- Painted/plated die cast)
- Zinc (die cast) – painted/plated die cast old, new zinc dross